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Stephen Hawking: robots could give us all material abundance, unless rich people hoard all the wealth

Robot See, Robot Do: How Robots Can Learn New Tasks by Observing

Computer Scientists Wield Artificial Intelligence to Battle Tax Evasion

Anti-surveillance activists send a drone to pamphlet-bomb an NSA complex in Germany

When Robots Come To Pray

Watch Drones Drop Thousands of Moths on Crops

Deep Learning Robot Takes 10 Days to Teach Itself to Grasp

Hacking Wireless Printers With Phones on Drones

F.A.A. Proposes Big Fine for Drone Violations

Thought process: Building an artificial brain

FAA Seeks Record $1.9M Fine Against Drone Company, Claims It Endangered “The Safety Of Our Airspace”

Facebook’s Internet Drone Team Is Collaborating with Google’s Stratospheric Balloons Project

America’s Long History of Hiding Drone Deaths

Can We Shape the Robot Revolution?

A Smart Bomb in Every Garage? Driverless Cars and the Future of Terrorist Attacks

Robot dog can navigate unknown terrain with the help of a flying drone

Betamax and chill but one of you is a robot and the other is a seal

Audrey Watters


The History of the Future of Intelligent Machines

A Hack Education Project

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