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‘World’s sexiest robot’ causes a frenzy at Beijing tech conference

Penn State imagines a world where robots write the books

Automation is a Job Engine, New Research Says

How Facebook’s AI Researchers Built a Game-Changing Go Engine

Teaching AI to Play Atari Will Help Robots Make Sense of Our World

A Supercharged System to Teach Robots New Tricks in Little Time

Computers learn to create photos of bedrooms and faces on demand

“Sign Dolls”: Robot Sign Wavers

Walk-Man humanoid robot could be future of dangerous work

Re-understanding “Understanding Computers and Cognition”

On Cyber Monday, Friendly Robots Are Helping Smaller Stores Chase Amazon

An Amazon Drone is No Longer Just a Temp Worker in Its Warehouse

Drone Pilots have Bank Accounts and Credit Cards Frozen by Feds for Exposing US Murder

Wikipedia Deploys AI to Expand Its Ranks of Human Editors

Artificial Intelligence Aims to Make Wikipedia Friendlier and Better

Drone Videos Could Help Amazon Sell Prime Subscriptions

Hundred-foot tall, century-old smokestack collapses on an excavator. A drone films it.

Artificial intelligence service gives Wikipedians ‘X-ray specs’ to see through bad edits

Audrey Watters


The History of the Future of Intelligent Machines

A Hack Education Project

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