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Image credits: The Kitchen Robot of Tomorrow

Is AlphaGo Really Such a Big Deal?

Recalling Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics in the Age of Machine Interoceptors…

Trump Deep Nightmare: Google’s Deep Dream AI run against a Donald Trump speech

The Bot Rulebook

The chat bots are coming, and they will take your jobs

How fairy tales could stop killer robots from taking over the world

The biggest mystery in AI right now is the ethics board that Google set up after buying DeepMind

The real cost of robotics

Peer-reviewed online expert system will help you if you’ve been poisoned

Tay Exposes the Fairy Tales We Tell Ourselves About Racists

It’s Game Over for the Robot Intended to Replace Anesthesiologists

Software That Reads Harry Potter Might Perform Some Wizardry

An Artificial Intelligence Comes to Terms With Sentience and Humanity in the Short Film ’27’

Sorry, Shoppers: Delivery Drones Might Not Fly for a While

If All Else Fails, 3D Models and Robots Might Rebuild Palmyra

How We’re Unwittingly Letting Robots Censor the Web

Whisper’s Master Of Content Moderation Is A Machine

The Age of Autonomous Robots Is Upon Us

Automated Anesthesiologist Suffers a Painful Defeat

Robo-Adviser Betterment Gets $100 Million in Venture Capital

Microsoft will unveil an army of AI bots today

After we make peace with robots doing all the work, will our lives have meaning?

Trains Botting: twitterbot posts a new emoji train landscape every 4 hours

Microsoft Says Maverick Chatbot Tay Foreshadows the Future of Computing

How to Fix Microsoft’s Offensive Chatbot Using Tips from Marvin Minsky and Improv Comedy

How Google DeepMind Plans to Solve Intelligence

Microsoft video shows how a blind software engineer uses AI to ‘see’ the world

Why Do So Many Digital Assistants Have Feminine Names?

An A.I. Competed for a Literary Prize, but Humans Still Did the Real Work

Clippy’s Back: The Future of Microsoft Is Chatbots

Microsoft’s neo-nazi chat bot rides again

Conversation as the new UI: Microsoft makes its chatbot pitch at Build 2016

Microsoft Says Chatbots are the Next Big Thing

Could AlphaGo Bluff Its Way through Poker?

Automated drug cabinets have 1400+ critical vulns that will never be patched

AI and Push Learning for Student Guidance and Advisory

Will the Next J.K. Rowling Be a Robot?

Gorgeous Multi-Drone Footage of Colorful Smoke Bombs Painting the Sky

This Scarlett Johansson robot is a crushing end to another week

Audrey Watters


The History of the Future of Intelligent Machines

A Hack Education Project

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