
Robot “Intelligence”

Superintelligence: The Idea That Eats Smart People

AI Alarmism: why smart people believe dumb things about our future AI overlords

Robot Cars

Uber’s robot cars move in, and the homeless must move along

Uber admits to self-driving car ‘problem’ in bike lanes as safety concerns mount

The Uber Advantage

Google Wants Driverless Cars, but Do We?

Robots and Education

Measuring AI’s impact on education and the job market

Killer Robots

Why the United Nations Must Move Forward With a Killer Robots Ban

Robots at Home

In 2016, AI Home Assistants Won Our Hearts

Robot Schtick

This Super-Tall Robotic Arm Is Made of Helium Balloons

Watch drones encase Norwegian pop star Aurora in a fabric cocoon

Robot Workers

The Long-Term Jobs Killer Is Not China. It’s Automation.

Robot Divers

Australian Robot Breeches the Frozen Layer of the Antarctic Sea for a Rare View of the Life Beneath

Audrey Watters


The History of the Future of Intelligent Machines

A Hack Education Project

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